Eczema Flare Up Treatment


Eczema is red, itchy, inflamed skin. It is sore to touch, and an eczema flare up leaves the eczema sufferer feeling uncomfortable as their eczema symptoms have suddenly worsened. In this instance, the body is having an over-reaction of the immune system and occurs when it perceives certain environmental substances as harmful.

Does everyone have eczema?

Some people are more likely to develop eczema if they have it in their family. However, there are many things that can trigger the eczema flare up of symptoms, including heat and cold, dryness, infections, stress and certain foods.

Some scientists speculate that there may be a link between eczema and allergies, but they are not yet certain. The connection is undergoing more research.

Anyone – no matter their age – can get eczema. Around 10% of adults have it, and most children will develop it.

Why does eczema suddenly flare up?

Eczema can worsen suddenly. However, two people with the same condition may suffer from eczema flare ups due to various reasons. Some people may have dry skin, others may have a reaction to certain substances, and some people might not know why they experience eczema flares.

Eczema might be caused by stress or by certain foods or allergies.

Those with eczema should avoid allergens in order to keep the condition from worsening. An allergist can help manage inflammation and help to reduce symptoms.

How to relieve, reduce and manage eczema flare up?

The cause of eczema has a major impact on the ability to cure eczema. The person who has eczema needs to understand the root cause and eliminate it.

There are many external triggers for eczema flare ups and these include allergies, including stress, being exposed to dust or pollen, pet hair, perfumes and food intolerances- to name a few. Allergies can also be triggered by exposure to fabrics or plants.

There may also be triggers for an eczema flare up from within the body ie. The leaky gut theory argues that when the gut becomes permeable, the body starts to attack itself.

How to reduce the severity of an eczema flare up?

Eczema flare up treatment: Topical treatments

Eczema flares up often, and a treatment must be effective and work quickly to calm down the redness and itchiness. Eczema can also break skin wounds that need to be repaired.

My Mia’s 3 Step Skin Relief Kit provides the best eczema treatment care for skin during an eczema outbreak.

Eczema Treatment: Food & Supplementation

Support may be provided to repair gut health, strengthen immune system and support body with omega 3, 6 oils & supplementations.

How to identify what causes your eczema to flare up?

Eczema flare ups depend on a person’s specific triggers.

Keeping a journal, elimination diet and writing down anything that might trigger your eczema is important to managing eczema.

Identifying the root cause of your eczema, and eliminating this will then see a significant reduction in eczema flare ups.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle prevents flare ups. Flare ups can be avoided by avoiding things like harsh products, external allergens and excess processed foods –  Increasing the toxic load on a body.

In Conclusion

When you realise that you are in the driver’s seat of your eczema flare up, you feel more empowered to make improvements to your environment and health to maintaining eczema flare up free skin. 

Regardless, when you have an eczema flare up, finding effective eczema flare up treatment is critical. 


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